Had a great time last night at The Tattered Flag in Middletown. We kicked around some ideas for future events and hope to finalize those soon. Owned and operated by a former Navy Seal, we all enjoyed and hope that add to your list to check out.

Happy Hour Social at The Tattered Flag


Commandant of Midshipmen, CAPT Robb Chadwick, USN was our guest of honor during our fall dinner last 4 November 2017. We were also honored to have his father, RDML Steve Chadwick, USN (RET.) join us as well. Steve is a chapter plank holder and flew up from Texas to be with us. After some reflective introductory remarks from father Steve, son Robb talked about leadership, character and accountability. Local residents ADM Virgil and Kim Hill also attended. ADM Hill was Superintendent while Robb was a midshipman. It was a packed house at the Hamilton Club in Lancaster, PA!

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