Fellow Susquehanna Valley Chapter Members –

One of the ways you can help the chapter each year is to offer your ideas and insights for our Annual Meeting gathering and to help us locate a suitable venue in your locale.

In past years, we’ve had some very successful Annual Meeting events at various country clubs, but the formality of the event doesn’t always have to be along those lines – in fact, it can be less formal venues that include family, picnicking, etc. The event is what we want to make it and we’re not constrained by any particular venue, so we’d like to hear what you think would be a good one for this year’s meeting. We’ll hold it this year in October to coincide within a week or two of the Naval Academy’s October 10th Founder’s Day.

If you would give some thought to the kind of event you’d prefer and offer a couple of recommendations on suitable places you may be aware of but we may not know about in your neck of the woods, you’d be doing a great service to your chapter.

We typically look for a place that can accommodate between about 80-100 participants and where the cost of the dinner and room can be kept low enough to enable us to break even without financially burdening our members. Some of you may have an “in” at a particular place through your work or other activities that would be both suitable and financially reasonable.

Should you have ideas for suitable types of gatherings and recommended venues, please give a shout to Gib Armstrong gibson@1991.usna.com or me delbecker@gmail.com via the Messenger App as soon as you can. You can also reach us through the contact tab on the Chapter website susquehanna.usnachapters.net. We and the Board will take it from there and coordinate all the details with you.

I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your efforts for the Chapter!

Also do us a favor and please make sure your information is up to date with the Alumni Association. You can check your information and update at https://www.usna.com/user-profile

And, please join us in Lancaster for our next chapter event at Tellus360. There is no cost, this is a pay-as-you-go event but we would like to have a count.


All the best, enjoy and remember this Memorial Day Weekend, and Go Navy!

Del Becker ’85

SVC, President

Gib Armstrong will be hosting a Happy Hours from 1600 on the rooftop at Tellus360 in downtown Lancaster. Drop in for a drink or some food in what will hopefully be a beautiful Pennsylvania spring day!

Green Roof and Winter Aprés Ski Bar


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