The chapter’s 8th Annual Army-Navy Game Viewing Party was held Saturday in the warm environs of the Lancaster Brewing Company in Harrisburg, hosted again by Bill Boniface ’72 and Matt Chabal ‘77. A record crowd of twenty-eight fans showed up (twenty-five adults and three youngsters) to enjoy watching Navy battle a stronger Army team while enjoying beer, pizza, pot stickers and wings and catching up with Navy friends and classmates.
Those on hand for yet another “Almost Victory” party included George and Bev Connolly ’56, Bob and Nancy Sigrist ’64, Bill Dornsife ’66, Chuck Hoffman USMA ’66, Jim and Barb Nolan ’70, Bill and Susan Boniface ’72, Dean and Karen Glick ’72, Dave and Trish Willmann ’73, Lee and Karen Erdman ’76, Matt and Beulah Chabal ’77, Jeff and Cindi Knauer ’78, Dave and Teresa Kern ’80 and son Michael, Laurie Nelson ’90, Rory Tucker ’96, and Will Bonifant ’97 and his two sons, Billy and Aren.