Chapter By-Laws (adopted 2014)
To serve and support the Naval Academy, the Naval Service, The United States of America, and the Chapter members:
- By communicating the message of the Naval Academy to the area alumni.
- By seeking out, informing, encouraging and assisting outstanding, qualified young men and women to pursue careers as officers in the Navy and Marine Corps through the Naval Academy.
- Initiating and sponsoring activities which will:
- Perpetuate the history, traditions, and memories of the Naval Academy,
- Strengthen the Naval Academy, and
- Bind alumni together in support of the highest ideals of command, citizenship, and government.
- Encourage and facilitate:
- Friendships and associations,
- Mentoring and advising relationships, and
- Aid to the members.
Article I – Name and Location
- The name of the organization, as recognized by the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association hereafter called the Alumni Association, shall be the Susquehanna Valley Chapter of the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association, hereafter called the Chapter.
- The location of this organization shall be in the Susquehanna Valley region of Pennsylvania.
Article II – Membership
- There are two categories of membership for this Chapter, Regular Members and Associate Members:
- Regular Member – Any person who has been sworn in as a Midshipman at the Naval Academy and whose service has not been terminated under other than honorable conditions is eligible for membership in this Chapter. He or she becomes a Regular Member of the Chapter, entitled to one vote and to hold office, upon payment of the annual dues as set by the Board of Directors.
- Associate Member – Any person who has demonstrated active support of the Naval Service, the Naval Academy, or the Alumni Association may be invited to join the Chapter as an Associate Members with non-voting privileges. Candidate associate members will be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The number of Associate Members shall not exceed ten percent of the Regular Members. Annual dues will be assessed as set by the Board of Directors.
- An eligible person may become a Regular or Associate member by payment of applicable dues and fees as established by the Board of Directors. Members in default of dues or fees may not vote or hold office until such time as their accounts are reconciled. Prolonged default (over 6 months) results in automatic loss of membership.
- Any member may be suspended or expelled from membership in the Chapter for due cause by a three-fourths majority vote of the Board of Directors, or may resign upon submission of his/her resignation in writing to the Secretary.
Article III – Officers
- The Officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer positions can be combined. They shall be nominated and elected as herein provided. Officers will also be members of the Board of Directors.
- The term of office for President and Vice President shall be for two years, and normally begin on 1 July and end on 30 June. The President and Vice President shall serve no more than two consecutive, 2 year terms. Following the President’s term, the Vice President shall assume the role of President for a minimum of one, 2 year term, and the (immediate past) President shall be appointed to the Board for one, 2 year term. In the event that no Regular Member volunteers to be considered for the office of President or Vice President, the current President and/or Vice President’s term can be extended as necessary for one year increments beyond the maximum two consecutive, 2 year terms.
- The term of office for the Secretary and Treasurer shall be for two years, and normally begin on 1 July and end on 30 June.
- The President and Vice President must be Regular members. The Secretary and Treasurer may be either a Regular or an Associate member.
- Any Officer may be removed from office by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- The Board may select a member of the Board to fulfill an incomplete term of any of the Officer positions.
- The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings and shall exercise the powers and rights usual to that office, including the establishment of special committees to accomplish the purposes of the Chapter, representing the Chapter to the Alumni Association, acting as spokesman for the Chapter in any public or private forum, and making commitments for the Chapter within the financial constraints and responsibilities enumerated below.
- Be responsible for ensuring that all obligations of the Chapter with respect to taxes, reports, liaison with the National Association, and a sound fiscal basis with applicable banks or creditors are met.
- Disburse funds when necessary in a case of emergency or absence of the Treasurer, except that no funds in excess of $150 may be disbursed without a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
8. The Vice President shall:
- Assume the duties of President in the event of the President’s absence, and/or inability to serve.
- Carry out such other duties as the President may require.
9. The Secretary shall:
- Maintain the records of the Chapter, including a current roster of members, past financial reports, meeting minutes, Chapter correspondence, etc.
- Be responsible for issuing notices of meetings, issuing a current roster to all members at least once per year, and recording the minutes of meetings.
- Be responsible for reading the minutes of the previous meeting at meetings of the Chapter.
- Be responsible for keeping the Alumni Association apprised of Chapter activities by copying the National Association on appropriate correspondence, sending the National Association a current roster once per year, and submitting articles on Chapter activities for publication to SHIPMATE.
10. The Treasurer shall:
- Be responsible for the financial accounts of the Chapter and have charge of all funds of the Chapter consistent with the policies of the President and the Board of Directors.
- Disburse and receive applications for new or renewed membership for the Chapter, including the collection of dues and notification to the Secretary of addition/deletion of members or change of member status.
- Make or otherwise authorize all financial payments of the Chapter.
- Keep a record of all financial income (including the collection of dues) and disbursements of the Chapter.
- Prepare a report of the financial condition of the Chapter for each meeting of the Chapter or Board of Directors.
- Be responsible for preparing all tax returns for signature by the President and submitting same.
- Maintain a file of vouchers and/or records of income and disbursement as necessary to submit to an internal or external audit.
Article IV – Board of Directors and Chairpersons
- The Board of Directors, hereafter called the Board, shall consist of the Chapter Officers and two or more other Regular Members.
- Three or more members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for any Chapter proceedings.
- The business and affairs of the Chapter shall be managed by its Board of Directors. Each Director (not holding a designated Officer title/position) shall hold office for a term of two years.
- The Board of Directors shall have general charge of the activities and property of the Chapter by providing appropriate guidance and support to the Officers.
- The Board of Directors has the authority to remove any Officer by a majority vote, one of whom must be the President or Vice President.
- The President shall convene the Board of Directors for a meeting at least twice per year to recommend policy, give reports, and receive guidance. Such meetings may coincide with general Chapter meetings. The time and place of the meetings shall be appropriately considered by the President in recognition of the geographic dispersion of the Board to facilitate their attendance.
- No Chapter property may be disbursed or otherwise disposed of except as authorized by these By-laws and the specific or general policy of the Board of Directors.
- Other Regular and Associate Members may be appointed as Chairpersons and members of committees and directors of programs and projects as determined by the President with the approval of the Board.
Article V – Nominations/Elections
- Candidates for the Offices and Board shall be nominated and elected by all Regular Members of the Chapter. The nominations should normally be made in May followed by an election in June, to take office by July 1st each year.
- Voting may be by any reasonable and transparent means. When more than one person is nominated for any one office, the person receiving the greatest number of votes (simple majority) shall be elected. In case two or more persons receive the same number of votes, the tie shall be decided by coin toss.
Article VI – Amendments
- Any Regular Member may propose an amendment to the Mission, or to these By-laws, at any regular meeting. If approved by a majority vote of the Regular Members present and voting, the proposed amendment shall be submitted by the Secretary in writing to all members at least ten days prior to the next regular meeting. If the amendment is then approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at that meeting, it shall become effective provided the amendment is in accord with the Mission and By-Laws of the national U. S. Naval Academy Alumni Association.
Article VII – Meetings
- General meetings of the Chapter may be called at any time by the President, a majority of the Board of Directors, or written request by 10 members of the Chapter to the Secretary.
- At least one general meeting shall be held annually.
- The Secretary will announce general meetings by correspondence, e-mail, or such means so that all members are given due notice for the meeting.
- Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this Chapter for the conduct of formal business at general meetings or meetings of the Board of Directors.